[FFmpeg-user] Compile errors on OSX with current HEAD

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Fri Aug 30 18:13:34 CEST 2013

Robert Krüger <krueger <at> lesspain.de> writes:

> >>> configure --disable-optimizations --disable-mmx --disable-stripping
> >>
> >>> BTW: Those rather crippling options are required to be able to
> >>> debug ffmpeg within my IDE.
> >>
> >> Hard to believe that --disable-stripping is needed to debug.

(To elaborate: It is needed if you use --enable-shared.)

> You are right. It isn't.

Could you elaborate on why --disable-mmx and --disable-optimizations 
are needed? Both are particularly bad options if you are not 
debugging (and both may and did in the past change the 
behaviour of the library in the cases you want to debug) and 
at least for --disable-mmx it is not clear to me why it helps: 
If it were necessary, --disable-asm would probably be the 
right option (unless you debugger is pre-mmx).

Carl Eugen

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