[FFmpeg-user] rtmp issue

jacky renaux.jacky at orange.fr
Fri Dec 9 20:28:49 CET 2011


Since my first post I made progress 

I try to send rtmp stream from my single pc to a red5 based server
Using wifi and distant internet connection

Option 1: 
  My command line is : ffmpeg -i %f_in% %cmdline% %f_out% 
     $f_in     =  macula1.vob
     $cmdline  =  -f flv  -b:v 400k -an 
     f_out     =  "rtmp://video-utl.univ-evry.fr/oflaDemo/live"    
     The results are :  there are succesive connection, 
      few datas has been transfered but seems not completed 
      with : av_interleaved_write_frame() error
  I cannot complete even if ffmpeg is not requested to perform encoding but 
  only copy already encoded files 
Second option
  same rtmp and app values  

  Using Flash Media Live Encoder from adobe   (FMLE) 
  All  is fine without error and I can perform live encoding 
  using from my PC videos , performs encoding and readback over 
  performing a live video conference brodcast 

Conclusion (from an non expert) it seems rtmp protocols is not undestood
  by red5 server . 

Is there any changes I can made on the server ? 
Do you have any advices , can I some help ? 
Do you want the full datas (details) logs,  I can gives you all   



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