[FFmpeg-user] Installation Problems

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Fri Apr 29 13:59:47 CEST 2011

Am 29.04.2011 13:51, schrieb Grant Smith:
> Reindl Harald,
> I'm doing everything according to the tutorial and I haven't done anything
> custom, i.e. everything goes to the paths it's set to go to without any
> intervention from me.

if your tutorial ends in "/home/ubuntu/lame-3.98.4/include/lame.h"
and the configure from thesame tutorial is called without any
informations wehre inlcudes are the tutorial is crap

i can not really help on ubuntu because i will never touch
and deb-based distribution in my life, but again:

you should learn how to build deb-apackages instead of compiling
installing somewhere manually, this is a dirty way and will bring
al lot of troubles sooner or later since builds of new versions
do not remove orphaned files - that is why pakacge-managment was invented

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