[Ffmpeg-soc] Choosing the best projects

Kamil Nowosad k.nowosad at students.mimuw.edu.pl
Sat Mar 24 02:05:19 CET 2007


I'm Kamil and I'm new to the ffmpeg project. This year I want to
participate for the first time in the Google's Summer of Code project. I
have yet started coding one of your qualification tasks [the TIFF
encoder] and I'm now improving it to implement as many features, you
have suggested, as possible :-). Next week I have a lot of work, because
of my studies, but before the deadline I will have some days, which I
planned to finish the task.

Now, I'm writing my application and I need to choose some of the
projects. I've looked through some of the specifications and they don't
seem to be difficult to implement for me.  Just some of them need more
time to spend, but the goals can be achieved. There are some of projects
on the wiki, but, surely,  some of them are more useful than others. So
I would like to ask you, which projects are more important for you, and
which are less. 

And, the second question, what can I do with the projects without
mentors? Some of them are quite nice (for example the gsm, jpeg2000 or
ape), but I don't know if it makes sense, sending an application for such
a project.
Best regards,
Kamil Nowosad

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