[FFmpeg-devel] Project orientation

Tomas Härdin tjoppen at acc.umu.se
Tue Jul 7 09:52:51 EEST 2020

sön 2020-07-05 klockan 18:01 +0100 skrev Kieran Kunhya:
> [...]
> A solution like Gitlab is the only way forward. It has worked well for
> dav1d, it can run regression tests on all platforms for all commits:
> https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d
> Merges are done with one push of a button. Yes, the branch sprawl is
> not great but it's better than now.
> It has inline patch reviews which are nice.
> Whether we like it or not web interfaces are the way 95% of the world
> does Git and we have to move with the times.

I'd be fine with moving to a self-hosted GitLab. Might bring in some
fresh blood. Keeps us independent of GitHub as well.


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