[FFmpeg-devel] [FFmpeg-cvslog] Merge commit '7cb1d9e2dbbe5bf4652be5d78cdd68e956fa3d63'
Helmut K. C. Tessarek
tessarek at evermeet.cx
Thu Oct 12 21:11:43 EEST 2017
I'm not sure why you guys have to make all these changes to the build
process lately.
All of a sudden ffmpeg does not compile anymore. During configure I get:
ERROR: libbluray not found using pkg-config
which worked perfectly 2 days ago. So, whatever changes you made, they
screwed up other things.
I'm doing the snapshots for OSX and I'm currently having a lot of issues
fixing the build problems in my scripts. Currently I am not able to
compile a valid build.
regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek KeyID 0xF7832007C11F128D
Key fingerprint = 28A3 1666 4FE8 D72C CFD5 8B23 F783 2007 C11F 128D
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