[FFmpeg-devel] One pass volume normalization (ebur128)

Jan Ehrhardt phpdev at ehrhardt.nl
Sun Jul 14 21:09:37 CEST 2013

Kieran Kunhya in gmane.comp.video.ffmpeg.devel (Sun, 14 Jul 2013
19:49:56 +0100):
>On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Jan Ehrhardt <phpdev at ehrhardt.nl> wrote:
>> For my kind of normalisation, two things are needed: volume injection in
>> the metadata and use of those metadata for volume adjustment. How do we
>> get rid of the R128 label without duplicating features?
>I don't see what's wrong with having an out of spec option as long as
>it's clear it's not actually R128.

OK, I will make a new patch with Nicolas' and Paul's comments (as far as
I understand them) and be back.


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