[FFmpeg-devel] ffmpeg g723

Robert Watson robert at gillecaluim.com
Sat Mar 10 22:51:22 CET 2012

I need to stream from the card to a red5 server so I don't think this would

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Zalewa PL <zalewapl at gmail.com> wrote:

> Robert Watson wrote:
>> I was wondering if you could help with using ffmpeg to process the audio
>> input from a capture card.  The card has v4l2 and alsa drivers. The card
>> outputs G.723-24 (3-bit samples at 8khz).  Was the g723 code you wrote
>> committed into the ffmpeg core?  What command line should I use to capture
>> the audio from the card?
>> Thanks, Robert
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> Hi,
> You can use 'decode-g72x' tool to convert data in G.723-24 format to raw
> PCM that can be forwarded to ffmpeg. The source code of the tool is
> available here:
> //http://www.ps-auxw.de/g72x++**.tar.bz2<http://www.ps-auxw.de/g72x++.tar.bz2>
> The compilation is straight forward. Once you get the executable file you
> can run it like this:
> `arecord -Dhw:1,0 -traw | decode-g72x -l -3 | ffmpeg -acodec pcm_s16le -f
> s16le -ar <rate> -ac <channels> -i - /tmp/output.wav`
> I'm not sure if all parameters that I have specified here are correct but
> I'm sure you can figure it out. Write if you have any further problems.
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> ffmpeg-devel at ffmpeg.org
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