[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] Alternative way of generating dependencies

Ivo ivop
Tue Oct 28 00:39:43 CET 2008


While I was catching up with the ffmpeg-devel mailinglist yesterday, I 
stumbled upon a thread about suncc's dependency generation. As every 
compiler seems to act slightly different, I thought about a more generic 
way to generate dependencies and came up with the following solution (see 
attached patch). It's not meant for direct inclusion in SVN and perhaps 
needs some work to integrate nicely into the current build system, hence 
the [RFC] in the subject.

It has been tested and works correctly with the following compilers and 

gcc -E		(GNU, versions 3.4.6 and 4.2.3)
icc -E		(Intel, version 10.1 20080312)
suncc -E	(Sun, version 5.9 Build27_2)
cpp.ansi	(ACK 6.0pre3)
pcc -E		(PCC CVS HEAD 20081028)
cpp		(PCC CVS HEAD 20081028)

What do you think?

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