[FFmpeg-devel] Eiffel wrappers

Anthony Lenton antoniolenton
Fri Jun 8 21:23:46 CEST 2007

On 6/8/07, Guillaume POIRIER <poirierg at gmail.com> wrote:
> <hi,
> On 6/8/07, Anthony Lenton <antoniolenton at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello people,
> >   Working with the Eiffel Libraries team we've started work on
> > wrappers for FFMpeg.  At the moment there's only enough wrapped to do
> > decoding, but I wanted to show you guys to see what you think before
> > continuing work on encoding.
> >   The libraries are written for SmartEiffel 2.2, but I'd appreciate
> > feedback on any other versions of SmartEiffel you try them with, also.
> >   The project is at https://gna.org/projects/eiffel-libraries/
> Eiffel is the greatest object-oriented in the known universe, and I
> wish you good luck with this project... however, I'm afraid your work
> has zero chance to be merged to FFmpeg. FFmpeg is a project written in
> C, and that's all.
> All we can offer you is a link to your project from FFmpeg's website.

I don't intend as much, promise!  The eiffel-libraries is already a
hosted on Gna, and includes wrappers for several other libraries, so
the idea is to keep it an 'as pure eiffel as possible' project, and
leave the underlying libraries to themselves.  If you intend to use a
set of wrappers you'll need the C headers for that library installed
on your system, next door to your eiffel classes; Smarteiffel compiles
your Eiffel to C, and then you compile everything together with any C


Anthony Lenton
Except - The good guys in software development

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