[Ffmpeg-devel] moving non-SIMD parts of libswscale to LGPL

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger
Thu Nov 16 12:01:51 CET 2006

On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 11:15:02AM +0100, Michel Bardiaux wrote:
> M?ns Rullg?rd wrote:
> >Nobody said you were flaming now, only that you would if someone
> >proposed a change to GPL.  There's a difference...
> The LGPL-ness of ffmpeg is a strategic issue for us, and I was part of 
> the team who recommended basic our multimedia technologies on 
> open-source software. IOW if it went GPL, 'we' would be up the creek, 
> and 'my' ass would be in trouble. So I would treat such a debate with 
> the seriousness it warrants.

Well, I see nobody trying to make ffmpeg GPL, the policy is the same as
it was ever: New, larger features may be GPL, and old code will be
removed when there is an adequate replacement for it. If you think
non-SIMD libswscale is not an adequate replacement then convince us.
And a move to GPL would have the same effect to you as if developer
would just stop developing for FFmpeg. Unless you are paying them I
don't think you have even a right to complain about that.
Also this theoretic issue you have with all code, in case you sell to
the US even with code you developed fully yourself (patents), not to
mention some proprietary code where the (invalid) EULA might even allow
them to change licence terms even after the sale. If you expect absolute
certainty you won't be screwed you unfortunately live in the wrong world

> >>>  owner-c:
> >>>    owner-name: charles maga
> >
> >Another of Fabrice's aliases.
> I am surprised registrars accept the registering of domain names under 
> false identities.

Huh? You must be using a different internet than me. I see nobody really
caring about someone's identity, there are at best some half-assed
attempts that most people with some brains can circumvent if they want

Reimar D?ffinger

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