[Ffmpeg-devel] Re: [PATCH] mov fps fix

Baptiste COUDURIER baptiste.coudurier
Tue Jan 17 14:35:41 CET 2006


Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> [...]
> reduce


>>I did not get point 3, did you mean all "stts" samples durations ?
> yes gcd(duration1, duration2, ..., durationN)

Maybe, checking the last user question about fps in MOV. His file,
test01.mov had this specifications :

stts atom:
       count 10576 duration 24
       count 1 duration 86

while timescale is 600.

Obviously frame rate is 25. But because of that last sample, it cannot
be computed right. Do you have any idea ?

> [...]
> could you add a assert() here to ensure that the conversation is exact? i 
> know it should be exact but better double check to catch (future) bugs quickly
> [...]

Sorry for being dumb, but I cannot see which "conversation" you are
talking about :/

Here is an updated patch, fixing duration when correct frame rate has
been computed, and using correct sample in mov_read_seek.

There is a compilation problem when DEBUG is defined. I did not include
the fix in this patch. Francois Revol should fix it, I guess.

Best regards,

Baptiste COUDURIER                              GnuPG Key Id: 0x5C1ABAAA
SMARTJOG S.A.                                    http://www.smartjog.com
Key fingerprint                 8D77134D20CC9220201FC5DB0AC9325C5C1ABAAA
Phone: +33 1 49966312
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