[Ffmpeg-devel] Patch to add header info to flv format

Chris Dolan chris
Sat Aug 5 23:20:28 CEST 2006

On Aug 5, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Benjamin Larsson wrote:

> Can you tell what's missing in the current ffmpeg metadata  
> generation ?

Ffmpeg emits most of the important metadata already.

Here's what my library emits:

           'width' => '320',
           'videocodecid' => '2',
           'videodatarate' => '280',
           'audiocodecid' => '2',
           'metadatacreator' => 'FLV::File v0.12',
           'keyframes' => {
              'times' => [
           'metadatadate' => 'Sat Aug  5 20:24:16 2006',
           'duration' => '7.4',
           'videosize' => '171210',
           'height' => '240',
           'audiodelay' => '0',
           'creationdate' => 'Sat Aug  5 20:24:16 2006',
           'framerate' => '20',
           'lasttimestamp' => '7.4',
           'canSeekToEnd' => '1',
           'audiosize' => '119118',
           'audiodatarate' => '128'

Here's what I think ffmpeg would emit for the same file, from my  
reading of libavformat/flvenc.c in SVN head:

           'duration' => '7.4',
           'width' => '320',
           'height' => '240',
           'videodatarate' => '280',
           'framerate' => '20',
           'audiosamplerate' => '22050',
           'filesize' => '297779',

The most important thing people seem to want that ffmpeg lacks is the  
keyframe seek times and file offsets.


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, http://www.chrisdolan.net/
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