[DVDnav-discuss] Don't use raw UDF access for mounted non-encrypted DVDs

Nico Sabbi nsabbi at email.it
Tue Apr 17 15:18:49 CEST 2007

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:

>I'm attaching a patch applied to xine's libdvdnav that is designed to
>let libdvdnav decide to use the file access rather than the raw access
>to non-encrypted DVDs if they are mounted, to workaround buggy DVDs
>where the filesystem is simple ISO9660 rather than UDF.
>Before you shoot at me, I am not the author of this patch, and I don't
>like it at all: first it tries to make transparent an opaque type of
>another library, which is bad on its own, but it also ends up vastly
>depending on the ABI remaining constant in libdvdcss, which is not
>something that is guaranteed at all since it's dynamic loaded.
>I'm sending this just for knowledge, I'd like to see if someone else
>has a clue how to implement this same feature in a less nasty way.
naturally in this form it's unacceptable.
In dvdread there's some support for lowercase files/dir,
can you try mplayer -dvd-device /mnt/dvd dvdnav://
after having mounted the image?

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