[rtmpdump] [PATCH] Publisher authentication

Steve McFarlin steve at stevemcfarlin.com
Wed Feb 2 21:03:31 CET 2011

The attached adobe auth patch has an infinite recursion in it. I believe it is the one from Sergiy. 

Stack Trace:
#743	0x0047a818 in RTMP_ConnectStream at rtmp.c:1047
#744	0x0047c2c6 in HandleInvoke at rtmp.c:2765
#745	0x0047ae92 in RTMP_ClientPacket at rtmp.c:1248
#746	0x0047a818 in RTMP_ConnectStream at rtmp.c:1047
#747	0x0047c2c6 in HandleInvoke at rtmp.c:2765
#748	0x0047ae92 in RTMP_ClientPacket at rtmp.c:1248
#749	0x0047a818 in RTMP_ConnectStream at rtmp.c:1047
#750	0x0047c2c6 in HandleInvoke at rtmp.c:2765
#751	0x0047ae92 in RTMP_ClientPacket at rtmp.c:1248
#752	0x0047a818 in RTMP_ConnectStream at rtmp.c:1047

The above file offsets may be different then a auto patched librtmp. I had to manually patch.

This occurs when connecting to a Wowza Media Server using an invalid application for publishing. The server rejects the connection and then the following block in HandleInvoke initiates the infinite recursion. Specifically the call to RTMP_ConnectStream. I have not had a chance to fix this. If I patch the patch I will post it.

else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_close))
        RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "rtmp server requested close");
#ifdef CRYPTO
        if ((r->Link.protocol & RTMP_FEATURE_WRITE) &&
            !(r->Link.pFlags & RTMP_PUB_CLEAN) &&
            (  !(r->Link.pFlags & RTMP_PUB_NAME) ||
             !(r->Link.pFlags & RTMP_PUB_RESP) ||
             (r->Link.pFlags & RTMP_PUB_CLATE) ) )
            /* clean later */
            if(r->Link.pFlags & RTMP_PUB_CLATE)
                r->Link.pFlags |= RTMP_PUB_CLEAN;
            RTMP_Log(RTMP_LOGERROR, "authenticating publisher");
            if (!RTMP_Connect(r, NULL) || !RTMP_ConnectStream(r, 0))
                goto leave;


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