[rtmpdump] rutube.ru dumping stopped working: ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket , failed to read RTMP packet header

al_9x at yahoo.com al_9x at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 17 12:40:49 CEST 2011

Howard Chu,

can you please comment on the issue I reported, you should be able to 
repro it:

rtmpdump -W "http://rutube.ru/player.swf" -r 
"rtmp://video-1-14.rutube.ru/rutube_vod_2/" -a "rutube_vod_2/" -y 
-o "test.flv"

"ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket , failed to read RTMP packet header" after 
downloading ~2mb, followed by a cpu spinning hang.


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