[rtmpdump] [PATCH] expose http client

Antti Ajanki antti.ajanki at iki.fi
Thu Feb 11 19:35:02 CET 2010

Here is an updated version of the patch. http_get now returns more 
refined return codes and 304 should work (untested). It also adds 
support for reading responses when Content-Length is unspecified but the 
end of the message is signalled by server closing the connection.


Howard Chu wrote:
> Antti Ajanki wrote:
>> This patch 1) exposes http_get(), 2) makes it callback-based, and 3) adds
>> a bit stricter error checking (all status codes outside [200, 299] are
>> considered as errors).
> This isn't quite right. The expected response to the If-Modified-Since 
> query is 304 if the target has not been modified. (Of course, the client 
> doesn't need to do anything further then, but it is not an error.)
> And really, if you want to use this function for more general purposes, 
> then it ought to distinguish between 3xx (request OK, URL not 
> retrieved), 4xx (URL is invalid), 5xx (server is hosed) and connect 
> failure (server didn't answer).
>> Motivation for these changes is that rtmpdump-yle
>> needs a simple the http client.

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