[MPlayer-users] A Mysterious Mute Question

Alexander Strasser eclipse7 at gmx.net
Sun Mar 10 12:50:16 EET 2024

On 2024-02-26 21:16 +0300, Onur Küçük wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Feb 2024 16:35:40 -0600
> "Martin McCormick" <martin.m at suddenlink.net> wrote:
> > 	The question, then, is how does mplayer remember that it
> > was last muted?
>  Are you using some kind of sound system like Pulseaudio ? It is quite
> popular, you may be using it without being aware of it. Pulseaudio can
> change, and keep track of, volume levels for different applications
> independently and when you tell MPlayer to mute when using Pulseaudio
> output it only mutes the MPlayer related part in Pulseaudio.
>  I would check the volume levels, confguration etc. of Pulseaudio as
> the scenario described here resembles the behavior. Most of the sound
> configuration tools of desktop environments understand Pulseadio, also
> the configs are usually in ~/.config/pulse.

First in response to the original message:
Muting (pressing m) and pausing (pressing space) are different concepts.

The first does potentially something with your audio system that can
last restarts of mplayer and even affect other applications etc. All
depending on the details.

The latter is just pausing playback not producing audio output and
cannot have the effects described before.

Now the thing is: mplayer should try (and ideally succeed) to un-mute
before exiting.

Can you give more details on which audio output (ao) you are using?
There should be a message on the console starting like "[AO <name>]"
where <name> is the name of ao you are using.

Best regards,

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