[MPlayer-translations] Welcome to the "MPlayer-translations" mailing list

Ingo Brückl ib at wupperonline.de
Tue Jan 6 14:51:03 CET 2015

Ambrogio De Lorenzo wrote on Tue, 06 Jan 2015 13:50:26 +0100:

> I'm ready to start to translate.
> I see that the homepage is not translated.
> I can start from there, but I have to understand some rules.

I'd suggest starting with 1) (help messages), but it's your decision.

I'm not an expert for the homepage, but for the homepage it's the 'src'
directory, for the help messages it's the 'help' directory.

The reference is always the English file (en). Create the Italian one
if it doesn't already exist or revise the existing one. Ensure not to change
the metadata (HTML code, #define identifier). For the homepage, start with
one file and post, for the help messages, post after few changes to see
whether you are doing OK.


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