[Mplayer-felhasznalok] Felirat darabolasa

Tibor Nemeth csoki at index.hu
Sun Jan 4 01:59:44 CET 2004

> Tiszteletem Mindenkinek!
> A film ket reszben van a felirat pedig egyben. A kerdesem, hogyan vaghatom 
> kette a feliratot, hogy hasznalni tudjam?


Nekem is van egy otletem :-)


A subtitleripper README-jebol:

More on subtitle processing

In general, live is more complicated than that.
A typical problem is that subtitle timing is
bad and the subtitles are displayed at the wrong time.
You can either ask your player to adjust this
e.g option -subdelay for mplayer)
or use
  srttool -d 5.3 -i my_movie.srt -o my_movie_good_timing.srt
to e.g. shift the timing by 5.3 seconds.

A second problem arises for movies that are split
into many files (e.g. a DVD converted to 2 CDs).
In this case you have to split the subtitle file
into as many parts as you have avi-files.
You can do the splitting by running

  srttool -c 1,100 -i my_movie.srt -o my_movie-cd1.srt
  srttool -r -c 101,9999 -i my_movie.srt -o my_movie-part-cd2.srt

in case the first 100 subtitles correspond to your first
avi-file and all the rest to the second.

Splitting does _not_ adjust the numeration or time stamps by itself.
That's why the -r option is added to renumber the second part.

After this you would have to adjust the timing so that
the first subtitle in the second part starts at the start of
the corresponding avi-file.
  srttool -a 00:00:01,000 -i my_movie-renumbered-cd2.srt -o my_movie-cd2.srt
to let the first subtitle start at exactly 1 second after the 
corresponding avi-file
starts. The following subtitles are then adjusted accordingly.

You could also put these last steps into one command line if you want:
  srttool -c 101,9999 -r -a 00:00:01,000 -i my_movie.srt -o my_movie-cd2.srt

The documentation for all srttool options is
in README.srttool


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