[MPlayer-dvb] On HD Channels no audio!

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at rainbow.studorg.tuwien.ac.at
Sun Oct 25 13:51:54 CET 2009


On Sun, 25 Oct 2009, Raena Lea-Shannon wrote:

> I did not add the audio pid that kaffeine uses to channels.conf.

And you were still surprised that mplayer didn't play audio?

> Here is the relevant line of that file for ABC HDTV from kaffeine.
> HDTV|2314(2)|2315(eng)(ac3),|2316|544|545|Terrestrial|543500|0|v|34|-1|64|-1|7|8|16|0|20|||4112|
> Here is the mplayer channels.conf file for ABC HDTV


Where I wrote "10" you should instead add the PMT/PAT of this program 
(scan -c prints it behind "pmt_pid").
I wrote "2316" to show you the possibility to add further audio streams
(also shown by scan -c if available).

As an alternative, you can just write "8192" meaning "all streams of all
programs". TAB allows you to change from one program to the next (from the
same transponder).

This is all explained in the DOCS, if you have suggestions for 
documentation improvements, don't hesitate to send them (svn di)!

Carl Eugen

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