[MPlayer-dvb] Displaying an image with bmovl on TV with a DVB-Card

jabiruh jabiruh at gmx.de
Sat Sep 17 21:10:23 CEST 2005

Hi to all,
Actually I want to pipe the content of the framebuffer to the DVB-Card to have 
it displayed on TV. And I think this should be possible with
mplayer -vf bmovl (in addition to fbdump which grabs the framebuffer and saves 
it as an ppm-image)

	When I start mplayer with
	mplayer -vo mpegpes -ao mpegpes -afm 9 -framedrop -cache 4096 -quiet -vf 
bmovl=0:0:/tmp/myfifo -loop 0 -nosound -v -v -v -v /pub/mplayer/dummy.mpg
dummy.mpg is played correctly (with no sound as specified)

	From another console I then do a
	# mkfifo /tmp/fifo
	# echo "RGB24 720 576 0 0 0 0" > /tmp/bmovl
	# cat /root/framebuffer-720x576.ppm >> /tmp/bmovl
	# cat /tmp/bmovl > /tmp/fifo
	This makes the video stop playing (mplayer is still running), but 
framebuffer-720x576.ppm does not show up.

	The output of mplayer ends with:
	telecine = 1.0  -2.500
	telecine = 1.0  -2.500
	telecine = 1.0  -2.500
	telecine = 1.0  -2.500
	telecine = 1.0  -2.500

	DEBUG: Got: RGB24+720 576 0 0 0 0

	DEBUG: RAWIMG: 720 576 0 0 0 0

	Got 1166400 bytes... (wanted 1166400)
	telecine = 1.0  -2.500

I tried this with several fileformats and resolutions but the only difference 
was that the messages then don't show the last two lines (Got ...).

Is this just a problem of "-vo mpegpes" because with "-vo xv" everything is 
Are there some better ways to pipe the framebuffer to a DVB-Card?


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