[Mplayer-dvb] Re: can't output sound on dvb

Dave Chapman dave at dchapman.com
Sat Feb 21 12:56:04 CET 2004

Nico wrote:
> Can you please test this newer patch, please?
> The syntax is different: -vo mpegpes:card=1..4

I know it's a minor point, but is there a reason you have chosen 1..4 
instead of 0..3 ?

The DVB driver itself starts numbering the devices from 0 
(/dev/dvb/adapter0/).  My dvbstream/dvbtune programs also use 0..3, 
Also, looking at the mplayer man page, most options seem to start from 0.

But I think VDR uses 1..4 though - but I think that's because 0 means 
"use any card".


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