[MPlayer-DOCS] General XML source formatting

Torinthiel torinthiel at megapolis.pl
Wed Nov 15 23:33:01 CET 2006

I will (time and laziness permitting, so don't hold your breath too
much) try and reformat the XML documentation to stick to some common
guidelines. Problem is setting those guidelines.

My propositions are:

<sect1>: before each sect1 there's a line of
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
with two blank lines before and two after.

<sect2>: before each sect2 there's <!-- ********** --> with blank line
before and after.

<sect3>: two blank lines before.

<title>: Each title goes just below it's corresponding tag (<sect?>,
<formalpara> or whatever), and stays in one line (this can mean the line
can get very long).

<para> start-tag and end-tags in separate lines, don't indent the
content (more than <para> itself is indented, that is).

Things like tables, lists etc: start and end tags in separate lines,
increase indent by 2 spaces, item start and end tags as well in separate
lines (but when whole item contains a single <para> or something like
that than this <para> goes with element start tag.

All 'small' tags (title, ulink, link, application, keycap, etc.) fit in
a single line.

Line limit of 80 characters (With exception of small tags above).

<screen>: either in single line, like small tags or like this:
text (with no indent) \
  maybe continuation of a longer command (indented)<!--

with <screen> and --> beginning at the current indentation level.

Any comments? Objections? Better formats? Clarifications? I'm not very
much attached to this, we just have to start at something and this seems
to be mostly how the doc's are formated now.

 Waclaw "Torinthiel" Schiller       GG#: 3073512
   gpg: 0906A2CE fpr: EE3E DFB4 C4D6 E22E 8999  D714 7CEB CDDC 0906 A2CE
 "No classmates may be used during this examination"
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