[MPlayer-DOCS] Need help documenting dsize

Oded Shimon ods15 at ods15.dyndns.org
Fri Jul 8 11:23:10 CEST 2005

Documentation maintainers - Could you help me format this to nroff? I tried 
doing it myself but got all confused by all the .RE and .RS stuff. Also 
please fix any English mistakes I might have made in here, possibly help 
phrase stuff better...


Changes the intended display size/aspect at an arbitrary point in the filter chain.
Aspect  can be given as a fraction (4/3) or floating point number (1.33).
Alternatively, you may specify the exact display width and height desired.
Note that this filter does *not* do any scaling itself; it just affects 
what later scalers (software or hardware) will do when auto-scaling to 
correct aspect.

	New display width and height.
	Can also be these special values:
	 0: Original display width, height.
	-1: Original video width and height. (default)
	-2: Calculate by using the other dimention and the original video aspect ratio.
	-3: Calculate by using the other dimention and the original display aspect ratio.

		Specifies a dsize of 800x600 for a 4/3 aspect movie.

<aspect method>
	Modifies width and height according to original aspect ratios.
	-1: Ignore original aspect ratio. (default)
	 0: Keep display aspect ratio by using <w> and <h> as a maximum resolution.
	 1: Keep display aspect ratio by using <w> and <h> as a minimum resolution.
	 2: Keep video aspect ratio by using <w> and <h> as a maximum resolution.
	 3: Keep video aspect ratio by using <w> and <h> as a minimum resolution.

		Specifies a dsize of at most 800x600, or smaller, in order to keep aspect.

	Round width and hieght up to be divisable by <r>. (default: 1)

- ods15

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