[MPlayer-DOCS] Polish manpage

Torinthiel torinthiel at megapolis.pl
Wed Aug 25 12:57:24 CEST 2004

On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 12:22:37PM +0200, Torinthiel wrote:
> True, it's much better. So the .txt format is fixed. Now for the HTML
> one. I'll sit to it, but I can't think of anything more than adding
> device htmp-pl (or whatever new name - I don't want to modify existing
> devhtml, ast it's removing functionality).

Damn, I'm confused. Adding a new device based on the existing one should
be pretty simple. cp -R devhtml devhtml-pl. But when I run groff -mman
-Thtml-pl then it just hangs. ps says that groff has launched
{pre,post}-grohtml, quite normal. pre-grohtml however has launched
another groff that has exited and probably *grohtml waits till it
outputs something.

Anyway, the changes made in devhtml works, and are pretty simple. In
every file just remove the &entities; I've mentioned in the sed script.

 Waclaw "Torinthiel" Schiller       GG#: 542916, 3073512
   gpg: B06901F1 fpr: FAA3 559F CAE9 34DE CDC8  7346 2B6E 39F2 B069 01F1
 "No classmates may be used during this examination"
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