[MPlayer-dev-eng] Delay at start of video playback

The Wanderer wanderer at fastmail.fm
Mon Sep 2 03:42:03 EEST 2024

On 2024-09-01 at 18:57, Mike Lieman wrote:

> I have already posted a patch to this list to remove the fast-math
> library which is causing the optimization issue in ffmpeg when they
> use a negative infinity as a flag.  This resolves the issue.

Yeah, Erik Auerswald already pointed me to that, and I had it in my
local archives; I just hadn't made the connection that this was the fix
for that issue. I've already built with that change, and it did indeed
fix it.

> I'll repost it here.  Can someone commit it to svn?

I'm starting to think that maybe I should have accepted regaining commit
access the last time someone (Ivan?) offered it to me. At the time I was
very much *not* in a headspace where I could take on additional
responsibilities, but right around now it would be rather helpful; we've
got at least three different fix patches (this, the GCC-14 thing, and
the DOVI_RPUENC fix) which all seem at least potentially worth committing.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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