[MPlayer-dev-eng] Current FFmpeg needs DOVI_RPUENC

The Wanderer wanderer at fastmail.fm
Sun Sep 1 22:49:52 EEST 2024

I needed to recompile MPlayer today, and once I got around the problems
resulting from my distribution's default compiler having switched to GCC
14 (a variant on Alexander's RFC patch from April worked fine for that),
ran into linker errors.

I eventually figured out that with current FFmpeg, it's no longer enough
to unconditionally set CONFIG_DOVI_RPUDEC (and CONFIG_DOVI_RPU, which
may or may not be needed at all anymore). I added
'CONFIG_DOVI_RPUENC=yes' to configure, immediately after the existing
RPUDEC entry, and with that change the build completed and linked
without issues.

(That was with GCC 13, just to narrow down the variables, but I'm
confident it would have worked with GCC 14 as well.)

If a patch is needed I can create one, but it's trivial to do by hand.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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