[MPlayer-dev-eng] Support for xxpc chunks in AVI

Mats Peterson matsp888 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 8 21:05:38 CET 2016

"Reimar Döffinger" <Reimar.Doeffinger at gmx.de> skrev: (8 mars 2016 20:28:02 CET)
>On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 07:46:45AM +0100, Mats Peterson wrote:
>> Since you've been so concerned about the whole xxpc chunk issue,
>> when will we actually see support for xxpc chunks in the AVI demuxer
>> MPlayer?
>The only thing I am concerned about is that either things are
>implemented properly, or if that's not considered worth it
>it's a conscious decision and documented, at the very
>least in FFmpeg.
>I have no intention to add new features to our AVI demuxer.
>Whether maybe FFmpeg's should be the default or if it's
>easy enough to print a messages suggesting to use FFmpeg's
>manually if such junks are encountered is a different
>question though.
>MPlayer-dev-eng mailing list
>MPlayer-dev-eng at mplayerhq.hu

So am I, regarding things being implemented properly. The best thing would probably be to index the xxpc "junks", as you call it, instead of adding the palette to every keyframe, which would otherwise be needed. Also, to have the demuxer use the right logic to set the correct palette at a certain timestamp based on the xxpc indices.
Mats Peterson

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