[MPlayer-dev-eng] Missing subtitles colors

Federico Kereki fkereki at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 18:40:50 CET 2012


I have been playing videos with subtitles set to "cyan", which don't show
up properly.

I submit that in sub/subassconvert.c, the following code

static const struct {
    const char *s;
    uint32_t v;
} subrip_web_colors[] = {
    /* 16 named HTML colors in BGR format */
    {"red",     0x0000ff}, {"blue",   0xff0000}, {"lime",   0x00ff00},
    {"aqua",    0xffff00}, {"purple", 0x800080}, {"yellow", 0x00ffff},
    {"fuchsia", 0xff00ff}, {"white",  0xffffff}, {"gray",   0x808080},
    {"maroon",  0x000080}, {"olive",  0x008080}, {"black",  0x000000},
    {"silver",  0xc0c0c0}, {"teal",   0x808000}, {"green",  0x008000},
    {"navy",    0x800000}

should include "*cyan*" as a synonim for "aqua", "*magenta*" as a synonim
for "fuchsia", and "*brown*" for "olive". The alternative spelling "*grey*"
for "gray" should also be allowed.

A full list of colors can be found at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#HTML_color_names but I'm guessing
the 16 basic web colors should do.

By the way, I'm willing to do the change myself; if that would be better,
I'll endeavor to do so.

Best regards,
Federico Kereki

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