[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] add checkmark for menuitem for Debug Console

Stephen Sheldon sfsheldo at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 17:48:02 CEST 2012

Ingo Brückl <ib <at> wupperonline.de> writes:

> This seems to be unrelated to the console patch.
> I'm not an expert in Windows programming, but it seems to be ok to do so and
> it should be done for the video window, too. Works at least fine with Wine
> (which probably isn't saying much).
> Ingo
I am sorry that crept into my submitted patch.  I made the change because it
seemed counter-intuitive to pass in the handle that we were creating, even if
it was initialized to NULL.  I get the impression that a child window is
intended to be inside a parent window, so I think your change for the video
window is good.

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