[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Stereo3D Half-Width Side-By-Side Formats.

Steaphan Greene sgreene at cs.binghamton.edu
Sun Jun 26 15:29:48 CEST 2011

The attached patch adds half-width side-by-side formats, for both input
and output, to the stereo3d plugin.  This format is rather common, as a
halfway step for encoding 3D video files before it was standardized in
blu-ray 3D, and as a supported input format for many 3D displays.

I tried to stick with the conventions already in use in this file for
format naming and code layout.  Since there already is support for the
half-height above-below formats, this was pretty straight-forward.

This patch also updates the man page (English only) with details on
these new input and output formats.

This patch is less important that my earlier patch (re: "Fix for mpeg2
A/V sync bug").  So, if you could look at either, but only have time to
look at one right now, please leave this one for later, and look at that
other one.  Thanks.

By the way, should I be signing these patches?  I did sign this one,
just in case I should be.

Steaphan Greene <sgreene at cs.binghamton.edu>
Lecturer, Computer Science, Binghamton University
GPG public key: http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~sgreene/gpg.key.txt
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