[MPlayer-dev-eng] GUI's icon - a X11 issue?

Steaphan Greene sgreene at cs.binghamton.edu
Tue Jun 14 19:01:54 CEST 2011

On 06/13/2011 04:33 PM, Ingo Brückl wrote:
> Steaphan Greene wrote on Mon, 13 Jun 2011 10:46:15 -0400:
>>>> I'm sure there is a better way to realize these GtkDrawables into their X11
>>>> Pixmaps.
>>> With your indication of "realization" the gtk main loop came into my mind and
>>> I was wondering whether a call would perform this "pending" task. It seems
>>> that it does.
>> Perhaps, but calling that loop seems like overkill.  Something like
>> creating a temporary drawable, copying each of these pixmaps to that
>> drawable with GDK, then freeing that temporary drawable, should do it.
> Hmm, why overkill? If there will be just now (almost) nothing to do for GTK,
> is it really a bad idea calling it once after gtk_init(), or do I miss
> something?
> At least code-wise it is far simpler than the temporary drawables. Unless
> it's a no-go for a reason I currently don't see, I'd rather like to call
> the loop.

Maybe it isn't overkill.  It just seems like a lot to do to start up all
of GTK+ just to get to GDK pixmaps to realize.  However, if you'll be
using GTK+ anyway for the other parts later in the program, maybe it's
fine.  I really have no strong opinion on the matter.

I'd just make sure that whatever you decide to do will definitely
realize these images, and I'd comment this intent so folks years down
the road won't look at it and go "Why the heck did they do that?"

Steaphan Greene <sgreene at cs.binghamton.edu>
Lecturer, Computer Science, Binghamton University
GPG public key: http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~sgreene/gpg.key.txt

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