[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] 64-bit get time 2nd try

Dan Oscarsson Dan.Oscarsson at tieto.com
Sat Oct 9 18:05:25 CEST 2010

Attached is an updated patch to get a get time call that returns time as
a 64-bit quantity. I have added a fix to handle MS Windows only
returning 32-bit data - though I have not tested it as I do not have MS

I can add on linux a monotonic clock is used (for all timer calls) it
you want it. I do not know how often NTP goes in and changes the clock.

On MS Windows I can add high precision timers to get a better clock
there, though I cannot test it.

I saw that ffmpeg have a av_gettime returning int64_t while I have used
uint64_t. Is that better? Time should never be negative or should it?

The av_gettime in ffmpeg uses the Posix gettimeofday call - how is that
handled when ffmpeg is compiled on MS Windows?

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