[MPlayer-dev-eng] vdpau codec priority?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Sep 2 12:05:56 CEST 2009

Sorry for the late answer!

compn <tempn <at> twmi.rr.com> writes:

> should the vdpau codecs be given higher priority?
> similar to the mpegpes codecs.

After reading a few forums yesterday ("MPlayer VDPAU sucks because you have to
set soooo many options to enable hardware accelerated decoding!"), I agree that
would be useful.

The problem with -vc *vdpau is that if you try to decode a second video on the
same computer, MPlayer will quickly output a huge number of the following errors
(only stopping when "too many audio packets" are in the buffer):
[h264_vdpau @ 0xcfe5a0]get_buffer() failed (-1 0 0 (nil))
[h264_vdpau @ 0xcfe5a0]decode_slice_header error

Although initialisation of vo originally failed:
VO: [vdpau] 1920x800 => 1920x800 H.264 VDPAU acceleration
[vdpau] Failed creating VDPAU decoder: A catch-all error, used when no other
error code applies.
FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.

Reimar, are there any possibilities of solving this? Even a hack that tests for
vc==*vdpau if video initialisation fails and tries another vc would be worth it,

Carl Eugen

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