[MPlayer-dev-eng] GPL violation

Adam Smith adam at dataunity.com
Wed Feb 13 00:02:04 CET 2008


I was digging through a closed source media player binary, and came
across what was obviously part (or all) of the MPlayer subreader code.
I was told to inform this list about the situation.  The code is
included in a file 'dvdplayer.bin', part of the stock MG-35 firmware.
You can find the binary for this file in the MG35_1.5.1_Eng.upgrade
located here.

I have no idea what version of subreader they used, but it's likely
pretty old.  Since the original file was in bFLT format with no
debugging symbols, I've re-inserted the names in the outline below.
Attached, for your own confirmation, is an assembly dump of the
offending functions and strings, as well as an assembly dump of the
MPlayer-1.0rc2 subreader compiled for ARM.  

This product is manufactured by AirLink Tech (link above), and
distributed in many countries by MediaGate.  I'm sure you'll notice the
similarities to the KISS violation, as the firmware is very similar, and
also based on the Sigma Designs SDK (some kernel source is available).
Nothing related to the dvdplayer which contains the MPlayer code has
source code available, and no offer of source is made.

You can find a tool to split the .upgrade file into its component
bootloader, kernel, cramfs parts here -- works on Linux and Windows.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Take care,


Offending code outline from dvdplayer.bin:
  Offset       Size             Name
  00018B58     [00000034 BYTES: eol.]
  00018B8C     [00000010 BYTES: trail_space.]
  00018B9C     [0000006C BYTES: stristr.]
  00018C08     [00000230 BYTES: _sub_18C08.]
  00018E38     [00000518 BYTES: sub_read_line_sami.]
  00019350     [000000B0 BYTES: sub_readtext.]
  00019400     [00000118 BYTES: sub_read_line_microdvd.]
  00019518     [0000025C BYTES: sub_read_line_subrip.]
  00019774     [0000028C BYTES: sub_read_line_subviewer.]
  00019A00     [000001CC BYTES: sub_read_line_subviewer2.]
  00019BCC     [00000548 BYTES: sub_read_line_rt.]
  0001A114     [000002F4 BYTES: sub_read_line_ssa.]
  0001A408     [0000009C BYTES: sub_pp_ssa.]
  0001A4A4     [00000080 BYTES: sub_read_line_pjs.]
  0001A524     [000001A8 BYTES: sub_read_line_mpsub.]
  0001A6CC     [0000015C BYTES: sub_read_line_aqt.]
  0001A828     [00000174 BYTES: sub_read_line_subrip09.]
  0001A99C     [0000093C BYTES: sub_read_line_jacosub.]
  0001B2D8     [000003B4 BYTES: sub_autodetect.]
  0001B68C     [000001FC BYTES: adjust_subs_time.]
  0001B888     [00000074 BYTES: _sub_1B888.]
  0001B8FC     [00000130 BYTES: _sub_1B8FC.]
  0001BA2C     [00000154 BYTES: sub_get_langs.]
  0001BB80     [00000B30 BYTES: sub_read_file.]

    dvdplayer.strings.txt.gz - a list of MPlayer fingerprints found
inside the 'dvdplayer.bin'
    dvdplayer.dump.txt.gz - an assembly dump of the offending code
    subreader.dump.txt.gz - an assembly dump of the MPlayer subreader.c
compiled for ARM
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