[MPlayer-dev-eng] mplayer + codec(*.so)

houdiney houdiney at 126.com
Sat Dec 27 08:51:17 CET 2008

发件人: houdiney 
发送时间: 2008-12-27  10:35:55 
收件人: mplayer-dev-eng at mplayerhq.hu; Diego Biurrun(mplayer-dev) 
抄送: houdiney_126 
主题: Re: Re: [MPlayer-dev-eng] mplayer + codec(*.so) 

发件人: Diego Biurrun 
发送时间: 2008-12-26  23:28:04 
收件人: mplayer-dev-eng at mplayerhq.hu 
主题: Re: [MPlayer-dev-eng] mplayer + codec(*.so) 
On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 09:26:59PM +0800, houdiney wrote:
> Hi, all:
> Second,
>     I have been puzzled in a question: I wanna integrate a midi lib(libmidi.so) into mplayer,
> so in the directory .../mplayer/libmpcodecs/, I created file ad_midi.c like some other codec's(ex. ad_libmad.c), as follows:
> //-----------------------------------
> [...]  
> //-----------------------------------
> then, in the file ad.c, I added :
> extern ad_functions_t mpcodecs_ad_libmidi; 
> in struct mpcodecs_ad_drivers:
> &mpcodecs_ad_libmidi 
> in file .../libmpcodecs/Makefile, add:
>   SRCS_COMMON-$(LIBMIDI)  += ad_libmidi.c 
> then type "make" in a shell in directory mplayer, bu error follows:
> ...
> libmpcodecs/libmpcodecs.a(ad.o):(.data+0x58): undefined reference to `mpcodecs_ad_libmidi' 
> Could someone give me an advise on what I should  do next ?
In this order of importance:
1) Get a mail client that does not break threads.
2) Learn what top-posting is and avoid it.
3) Hook up ad_midi.c in the Makefile.

Thank you for your reply, and your order.
Am I in the right way to write and reply a post ?
I have found the explain of "top-posting" at http://www.idallen.com/topposting.html, thank you for your pointing out!
If there is also something no in a right way, please make your pleasure to tell me.
Return to the question:
you said "Hook up ad_midi.c in the Makefile" yesterday , and I had added it in file .../libmpcodecs/Makefile as: 

    "SRCS_COMMON-$(LIBMIDI)  += ad_libmidi.c" 

so, is there something else ?

now, i get it, i can compile it. In file .../libmpcodecs/Makefile, I directly add my sentence at the bottom of
ad_libmidi.c \
instead of  "SRCS_COMMON-$(LIBMIDI)  += ad_libmidi.c"
so now, it compiled without examined by config.mak. but how should  I deal with file "codec.conf", in another word,
what should I do to add this codec to  system, so that when mplayer finding right codec at the beginning , my codec 
added in file ad.c is one of her selection.Thanks!!

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