[MPlayer-dev-eng] Removal of backing store

Stephane Marchesin marchesin at icps.u-strasbg.fr
Sun Aug 24 18:50:45 CEST 2008

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Vladimir Mosgalin
<mosgalin at vm10124.spb.edu> wrote:
> Hi Stephane Marchesin!
>  On 2008.08.24 at 14:23:41 +0200, Stephane Marchesin wrote next:
>> > Yes, obviously. It does exactly like it should. If I force overlay
>> > instead of default textured video xv port, it gives funny effects in
>> > compiz - effects operate on blue window, not on video. Not that it
>> > matters much, since when you don't make window transparent or move it or
>> > switch tasks you can watch video without any problems.
>> But you have to use the textured adapter, which is a performance loss.
> Why do I have to?

Because if the window is made transparent for example, you can't use a
real hw overlay. And the driver has no way to know which is the
current situation, since this is the compositing manager's business.

>> It might not matter to you, but I've found the hw overlay to be the
> It matters to me. Like I said, textured video it's really slow with
> compiz; that's why I use video overlay.
>> No intel doesn't manage overlay usage, they basically don't make you
> Eh? They provide both xv adaptors.

Read what I said, the hw overlay's not default, so you get slow speed
for everyone as default. People who want to use the hw overlay anyway
will get blue screens in some situations.

>> use the overlay adapter. As I said before, intel uses textured video
>> by default for everyone, at the expense of speed.
> It's only a matter of preference.. Modern intel cards don't have overlay
> anyway, so by default it's textured video for everyone - not that it
> stops users from using overlay if their cards actually supports it.
>> No, intel uses the textured adapter by default and the hw overlay
>> adapter comes second, so people don't use it. In the end, the result
> Questionable sentence.. Either it matters for them or it doesn't. If it
> does, I guess they'll be able to find a solution.

So you say people should be able to understand what happens with
window redirections and Xv ? Considering you don't seem to understand
it fully, do you expect others to ?

>> for intel is that their video playback is slower.
> Only if you use compiz. Hey, the world isn't perfect. Either video
> playback is slower, but follows the effects, or it's fast, but interacts
> badly with complex stuff in compiz. There's simply no other choice.
> Intel people picked first choice, maybe because users complained about
> overlay + compiz troubles, but they don't stop people from using second
> choice if all they desire is video output speed.

Yes, and we can have a "best effort" choice, one with an adapter that
automatically switches from hw overlay to blitter when the window is
being redirected. This means, inside a compositing manager, that you
get :
- when the window is opaque and untransformed (that's called
"unredirection"), the hw overlay
- otherwise, the blitter/textured adapter
This is an optimal situation, I don't understand why you criticize it
? Please enlighten me.

>> models don't), r100->r300 (that is up to X800) and i810 -> i915 (there
> Well my 945 certainly has it..

i945 the same as i915 for most stuff (i945 is a marketting name). The
next "improvement" step is i965. Please read up on intel hw before
nitpicking on small stuff, you're just sidetracking the real issue.


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