[MPlayer-dev-eng] libvo changes

Uoti Urpala uoti.urpala at pp1.inet.fi
Wed Apr 2 21:48:26 CEST 2008

On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 22:30 +0300, Ivan Kalvachev wrote:
> Please do. I think that we don't even need "struct
> voctrl_set_equalizer_args" as it duplicates "vf_equalizer_t" from vf.h

The struct contents are identical, but I think it would be more
surprising if one of the voctrls used a vf struct and the other not. IMO
"duplication" by itself isn't a particularly bad thing in this case;
it's comparable to two functions having similar arguments lists. Also
the vf.h location would need to be changed to use the vf struct.

> It is probably better to do not have separate VOCTRL* and VFCTRL_*
> stuff, either,  it is only adding confusion.

The syntax for those could be unified but I don't consider that
significant enough that I'd want to change it. (If something is changed
then changing the VF side would be less work than VO).

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