[MPlayer-dev-eng] [patch] prefer ALSA over OSS

Zsolt Barat zsolt at bbm.de
Sat May 5 19:11:13 CEST 2007

Ivan Kalvachev schrieb:
> Put the quote out of the context and you get completely different meaning.
> The whole post talks about the history of midi playing and how the
> sequencer have been born and developed over the years. At the end of
> the post he talks that the whole event thing is actually superfluous
> and MIDI commands should be used directly (with some timing info). So
> far so good, but the NEW MIDI support is not ready for all the cards
> he supports.
> For somebody like me, who knows nothing about midi, the idea seems so
> obvious that I wonder why ALSA reimplemented their MIDI support using
> similar to OSS sequencer (again from the post).
he is advocating his own product of his company, sometimes also called
marketing. don't take it so seriously.


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