[MPlayer-dev-eng] Rework of vidix: now a static lib.

Benjamin Zores ben at geexbox.org
Thu Mar 29 21:30:40 CEST 2007


I rework and rewrote the vidix library.
As requested by people from here and there, it is now a completely
static library that got all drivers built-in. The rewrite was
necessary as the vidix1 lib was using shared libraries for drivers and
uses dlopen/dlsym everytime to get all symbols.

The vidix2 lib is now way easier and it registers all drivers directly.
I've planned many other changes to the library (like porting all
changes from upstream vidix) but first step is to commit the current
I've tried (and managed to) not to modify the public API. Only drivers
loading and entry point of changed (so only internal changes). The
libvo interface suffers from no changes at all and drivers code has no
functionnal change either (so everything should be still working).

I'd like you to test it by:
- applying the attached patch
- using the vidix directory available at
http://geexbox.org/~ben/vidix-20070329.tar.bz2 in place of the current
one (just rename the old one). The changes are huge so a patch is

If it's ok after a few tests, I'd like to commit this step by step,
probably this weekend.
Both the lib itself and the drivers are now directly in the vidix/ directory.

What I plan to do if getting commited is:

- svn cp vidix/ vidix2/
- edit and commit vidixlib.[hc] for new internal API support.
- svn mv vidix2/drivers/* vidix2/
- edit and commit drivers entry point towards new internal API
- svn rm vidix2/drivers
- vidix2/ dir should then be 100% operational
- svn rm vidix/
- svn mv vidix2/ vidix/
- apply attached patch to have libdha statically built and Makefiles
updated for new vidix/ dir.

Then it should work perfectly and be ok for further changes.

Sounds acceptable to you guys ?


"My life, and by extension everyone else's is meaningless."
Bender, Futurama
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