[MPlayer-dev-eng] to be root or not to be root

Uoti Urpala uoti.urpala at pp1.inet.fi
Tue Mar 6 16:02:23 CET 2007

On Sun, 2007-03-04 at 21:50 +0100, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> i think uoti has successfully thrown the project into chaos allthough
> i dont think he did that intentional ...

I think "throwing the project into chaos" (to the extent that such has
happened) has been mainly the result of your actions. You were the one
flaming, calling for votes and involving "the project" in a situation
where it was in no way necessary. 

> now about trust, i can only speak for myself, but any of the 3 members
> of the root team could have closed uotis account as the vote required
> you are the only of the 3 who bent the vote so that uotis account wont

"as the vote required"? Calling for votes the way you did is generally a
bad idea in a project and should not be encouraged by giving any
legitimacy to such results. Also if you assume that myself and the
people who clearly said that they disapprove of the way you wanted to
set up a vote are against then your view is in the minority (I think
nobody said anything like "I think the vote is a good idea but I'm not
actually voting" on the other side).

Do you yourself think that your actions were justified and all negative
effects were caused by something I did? I don't claim my original commit
was perfect, though what I think could have been improved most was the
handling of the GUI part which didn't cause all that much flaming.
However it was in no way anything that would have caused project-wide
problems. On the other hand it should have been obvious that trying to
start a vote the way you did would be bad for the whole project,
whatever the outcome.

After you started using "policy violations" as a reason to complain I
did mostly just ignore the flames instead of actively trying to calm the
situation, but I don't think that makes me responsible for all your
actions. If I had responded with the same level of aggressiveness as you
used then it might have been a bigger mess.

> or shorter, yes attila i trust you, the real problem is uotis stubbornness
> he should just apply the damn patch from dominik then the spirit of the

Are you happy with

svn update -r 22297 mplayer.c
svn cp mplayer.c command.c.tmp
patch with mplayer.c-command.c.patch
svn commit command.c.tmp
locally copy current command.c over command.c.tmp
svn commit command.c.tmp (change to match current command.c, no
                          functionality changes)
svn delete command.c
svn mv command.c.tmp command.c
svn commit command.c command.c.tmp

which doesn't change command.c contents back and forth? I can commit that.

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