[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] allow changing osd font scale independently from sub font one

Guillaume LECERF foxcore at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 00:00:06 CET 2007

Hi all,

This patch allows to set the osd font scale separately from the sub
font scale. A property is included to change it from libmenu/slave

I changed the current behavior, as I found the resulting output ugly.

There is actually 2 config params :
- text_font_scale_factor, controlling the font scale of subtitle AND
alphanumerical part of the OSD (i.e. duration)
- osd_font_scale_factor, controlling the size of the OSD symbols (i.e.
volume bar, play before duration)

So if we change osd_font_scale_factor, it won't affect the
alphanumerical part of the OSD (i.e. duration) and the play symbol
won't have the same size as the duration.

I changed it so that text_font_scale_factor controls the subtitle font
scale ONLY and osd_font_scale_factor controls the OSD font scale. The
size of the symbols has been set to osd_font_scale_factor+1
arbitrarily but it looks good.

read_font_desc_ft and load_font_ft prototypes had to be modified, so
I'd like to know if you prefer a solution that won't change the API,
or if this one is fine.

Thanks for reviewing.

Guillaume LECERF
GeeXboX developer - www.geexbox.org
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