[MPlayer-dev-eng] streaming and changing file info

Attila Kinali attila at kinali.ch
Sat Sep 2 09:15:23 CEST 2006


When listening to streams it's very common that the info
of the file changes. But currently, MPlayer only prints the
file info once, before playing (call of demux_info_print()
at mplayer.c:3615).

When streaming from a shoutcast, stream/http.c:117 prints
new incomming ICY infos. For all other formats that are
handled by the demuxer layer, libmpdemux/demuxer.c:935
prints out the changed info but does not store it in demuxer->info.

Both ways look horrbly ugly to me (visualy, not from code style).
IMHO, the (visualy) right way would be to call demux_info_print()
after an info packet is received, but i have no idea whether
that would work in all cases.

Can someone with more knowledge comment on this?

			Attila Kinali

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