[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] double click to switch to full screen in GUI

laurent wozniak laurent.wozniak at laposte.net
Sun Nov 19 22:24:06 CET 2006


A couple of problems I've seen in this new patch:

* Major missing feature:
- Does not work with the GUI, which is the purpose of this thread.

* Usability issue:
- Double click is not mouse button (press, release, press, release)  but 
(press, release, press).
The double click event should not wait for the last button release to be 
This also explain why you have to be so fast in clicking with a timeout 
set to 300.

* Minor issues:
- Double click does not work for button 7, 8, etc in X11 vos drivers.
This has to deal with those vo drivers not working correctly with the 
mouse wheel.
- Double click is fired when rolling the 2nd wheel in SDL vo.
Same comment as before. vo drivers don't have a consistent behavior.
- Warning messages are appearing, Diego will complain ;)

Apart from this, I don't see how it could be possible to maintain the GUI
since few people are interested in it and there is not that many maintainers
to push in this part of the code.

I've even seen in another thread someone wishing the GUI to be dropped.
Well, this would mean stopping using MPlayer for all the people/users I 
know, me included.
After all, when you install MPlayer from yum or apt for a distro, you 
only get a menu shortcut to the GUI,
you don't even know there is something else.
To the extreme, I've even talked to a sys admin (unix, windows) that 
doesn't want to type any single command line
or to edit any single config file when he is at home. This has not 
prevented him from installing Linux. The truth is that he's now using a 

My point is: How could I help with the GUI if there is nobody to review 
my code,
and therefore my patches vanish into the limbo of forgotten ?


Reimar Döffinger wrote:
> Some fixes / updates. Don't remember what exactly. The native/generated
> events issue is resolved by allowing to set the doubleclick-time to 0,
> which will then enable the native events.
> Will not work for vos that do not create proper mouse up and down events
> (which means vos must also create up and down events for double-clicks
> if the OS already detects them - no idea how the current behaviour is
> for vos).
> Greetings,
> Reimar Döffinger

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