[MPlayer-dev-eng] to michael

Romain Dolbeau romain at dolbeau.org
Fri May 26 12:02:24 CEST 2006

Gábor Lénárt <lgb at lgb.hu> wrote:

> Well, so this is the problem of the sending MTA, not mplayer's one. You
> SHOULD (and everybody should, I say this as Internet System Engineer) use
> the MTA provided by your ISP to relay outgoing mails (with SMTP auth or
> source IP based acl).

Why ? More "I'm an engineer and I rule the world" bullshit. If someone
wnat to run its own server for its own domain, it's a perfectly normal
thing to do. And there's no reason to force it to use a relay. I do run
a server, and I don't want my mails to go through some random servers I
have no control on.

> For example I fully support here at our company to _DENY_ tcp connections
> from our customers to tcp/25 of remote machines, since customers should
> use our servers.

I hope your company isn't an ISP, because most people don't pay an ISP
to be censored.

> With this you would be able to avoid many spam/virus which uses direct
> connection (from mainly zombie windows machines) to remote MTAs. Some ISPs
> even can't accept mails from IP ranged specified 'dynamic' or 'ADSL'
> according to the whois DB for example ...

As it seems that kind of drivel is becoming common on -devel, could we
create a mplayer-offtopic ML where it could be confined ?

Romain Dolbeau
<romain at dolbeau.org>

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