[MPlayer-dev-eng] route help/help_mp*.h commits to cvslog

Sebastian Krämer mplayer at skraemer.de
Mon May 15 22:27:39 CEST 2006

Reimar Döffinger wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 06:51:07PM +0200, Sebastian Kr?mer wrote:
>>I'm trying now with
>>for lang in bg cs dk el fr hu it ja ko mk nl no pl pt ro ru sk sv tr uk 
>>zh; do make distclean && ./configure --language=$lang && make |tee 
>>/tmp/build-all-languages-$lang; done
>>Let's see what happens :)
> You're missing all the different configure options :-).
> Well, actually that's not needed, but this isn't effective unless
> basically every feature is enabled...

Reimar, you're probably right :) For anyone interested though, I didn't 
find any errors that way.

>>Having an automated checking script for help_mp-*.h would still be nice.
> This would not only be a better but also a more reliable approach.

Maybe we can gather some information about what the right syntax would 
be.. Or could a small C program that uses all these messages be the 
simplest approach?


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