[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] make Matroska demuxer compilation unconditional

Moritz Bunkus moritz at bunkus.org
Mon May 8 09:15:37 CEST 2006


looks fine to me, even though I haven't tested it. The original argument
for #ifdef'ing the Matroska demuxer was so that people could get rid of
the C++ code. I totally agree that the C demuxer is stable, and it even
contains tons of features not present in the C++ version.

So I'm all for applying the patch. If you want you could even remove the
C++ version as it will now be uncompilable (your Makefile change
disables it).


If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage
unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial
nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment
to the commercial growth of prostitution. - Linus Torvalds

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