[MPlayer-dev-eng] gl & distorted fisheye for dome projection

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Wed Jun 28 22:59:41 CEST 2006

On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 10:31:13PM +0200, Johannes Gajdosik wrote:
> The problem is how the information about the screen/texture coordinates
> as well as the color(brightness) of the 4000 quads is stored and given
> to glDrawTex. At least two approaches are possible:

What is the formula to calculate this? There are two approaches:
directly in a vertex program, or store in a texture and use a lookup.
Of course, maybe you should first state what kind of graphics card you
would target, my approach would require something fairly new, like
Geforce FX series or comparable.

> Could you please explain more about what you call the "vertex program code"
> and how this can help passing the parameters.

It can not help passing the parameters, the idea is to store the
parameters and the algorithm to calculate the actual coordinates in a
program that is executed on the CPU to transform the picture.
See the -vo gl customprog and customtex suboptions and TOOLS/*.fp for
examples of fragment programs, they are similar, but they operate on
pixels (color values) whereas fragment programs operate on triangle

> And something else: Shall I write directly to you for further
> discussion and instructions, or shall I write to the list?

I'd say keep it on list until someone complains, maybe someone cares or
has better ideas.

Reimar Döffinger

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