[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] MPlayer on MacIntel fix (sorry for bad-formatted previous messages)

brainnolo at tiscali.it brainnolo at tiscali.it
Wed Jul 26 22:04:20 CEST 2006

This patch applied with patch -p0 to the main mplayer directory makes 
mplayer compile and work perfectly with the options --disable-mp3lib 
and --disable-win32 to the command line. THIS PATCH IS NOT TO BE MERGED 
directly as it would probably break compilation using newer GNU as 
versions! I submit this in case someone with little more time than me 
wants to make it a proper patch. If someone wants to fix also mp3lib i 
already tell you i tried it, it would compile but crash on init, i 
really couldn't figure out what was wrong. I also had little luck with 
the win32 loader. The patch is based on today SVN.

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Scopri subito come risparmiare! 

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